Monday, October 21, 2019

Class of breeders Essay Example

Class of breeders Essay Example Class of breeders Essay Class of breeders Essay Another utilitarian argument against surrogacy argues that the pain of separation to the birth mother outweighs the happiness gained by the contracting parents. This might be a difficult argument to make in general since the surrogates, at least initially, feel that the pain of separation is worth a monetary reward. Most cases of surrogacy seem to bear this out. While some birth mothers change their minds, most go through with the deal and feel as if the outcome is the best one. Surrogacy is now a fairly well-accepted practice in spite of the misgivings of some people. As long as the practice is regulated so that no coercion is used and the practice does not create a class of â€Å"breeders,† the ethics of surrogacy are unlikely to be too problematic except in cases of changes of mind. If the practice does become coercive or create a class of breeders, then surrogacy should be reconsidered. But still some people argue that there should be no surrogacy arrangements on the grounds that the potential problems which could occur make these arrangements unwise. Others say that with proper counseling and screening surrogates and contracting prospective parents can work out mutually acceptable terms. There are several other issues relevant to surrogacy. Is the ideal surrogate a relative or a stranger? How much compensation should a woman get for her work as a surrogate? If she is not going to be a surrogate, but rather, an egg donor, what would constitute reasonable compensation for submitting to hormone therapy and surgery so that technicians can obtain her ova? Will monetary incentives lead to exploitation of women who lack money and education and who turn to surrogacy in order to make money? These are significant questions and they expose the fact that surrogacy involves a very different and profound kind of involvement, that of a woman with a baby which is destined to be handed to someone else, an involvement with which we have little experience, historically. However, the biggest issues concerning surrogacy require deciding what to do when the surrogate mother wants to keep the baby or, highly unlikely, but still possible, what to do when the contracting parties change their minds and do not want to accept the child. A final important distinction is that an incompetent person differs in significant ways from a competent person, thus necessitating different strategies in carrying out his care. Incompetent persons such as infants are those who are unable to exercise autonomy, i. e. , make decisions for themselves. The incompetents do not lack the right to make autonomous decisions about their care. Rather, they lack the ability to conduct thorough negotiations with physicians which are held before informed consent is given. Some types of incompetent patients, such as infants are clearly incompetent. In other cases, however, with patients who exhibit partial or compromised competence, it is very difficult to make the judgment call as to whether or not a specific patient is competent or incompetent. Generally speaking, persons who manifest certain capabilities are judged to be competent. These capacities include the ability to be able to articulate one’s values or goals, the ability to communicate and understand information, the ability to reason and deliberate, and knowledge as to the time, place, and circumstances in which one finds himself.

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